Become a Foster Care Provider
Save a Life!
(Interested in adopting? Click here: Adopt)
Your act of kindness is repaid in rewards that are beyond words.
Fostering is an immensely rewarding experience, and it changes animals’ lives in a very direct way. Fostering is simply nurturing a rescued pet in your home for a period of time. The majority of our fostered dogs are from the Floyd County Pound or owner surrendered. They need the security of a loving home, and sometimes may need special care and attention. Our municipal pound does not allow cats or kittens, so their lives depend entirely on us. FCHS often receives requests to care for abandoned litters of kittens who would benefit from foster care.
If you have questions about becoming a foster please Contact us today!
We strive to provide loving, temporary homes for as many of Floyd County’s stray animals as possible. If you are interested in opening your home and your heart to foster animals please click the link below to fill out and submit your application!
Foster Application
Foster Wish List
Fostering is an immensely rewarding experience, and it changes animals’ lives in a very direct way. Fostering is simply nurturing a rescued pet in your home for a period of time. The majority of our fostered dogs are from the Floyd County Pound or owner surrendered. They need the security of a loving home, and sometimes may need special care and attention. Our municipal pound does not allow cats or kittens, so their lives depend entirely on us. FCHS often receives requests to care for abandoned litters of kittens who would benefit from foster care.
- It's temporary! Companionship without the life-long commitment.
- We provide everything you need at no cost to you.
- Help a dog or cat recover from surgery.
- Give extra TLC to kittens and puppies.
- Give a dog a break from kennel life.
- Open space for another dog or cat to be saved.
- We learn valuable information from you to help us better find a forever home for your foster dog or cat. For example, is your foster cat or dog good with cats, dogs, and/or children?
- Socialization for your pets.
- You mean the world to your foster dog or cat - you help make them healthy, happy, and well-socialized.
- You choose how you want to foster! Do you only want to foster kittens? Only want to foster certain times of the year? Or maybe just for a weekend sleepover? Or a day hike to go exploring together? Every little bit helps!
- And most importantly, You help us save lives!
- A safe, clean, and loving environment.
- Exercise and socialization if appropriate.
- Monitor for physical and mental wellbeing.
- Transport to/from any necessary free vet appointments
- Actively marketing your foster dog for adoption. Ask us for picture and video tips. We are happy to meet with you and take pictures as well. Click here for a few tips on taking pictures and writing bios.
- And if you feel comfortable, help us screen and meet with potential adopters.
- Have fun! And feel good that you are directly impacting a pets life for the better and setting them up for success in a new forever home.
If you have questions about becoming a foster please Contact us today!
We strive to provide loving, temporary homes for as many of Floyd County’s stray animals as possible. If you are interested in opening your home and your heart to foster animals please click the link below to fill out and submit your application!
Foster Application
Foster Wish List